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Quick Tips


Apples are perfect for snacking and often used in baked goods such as muffins or pies. Savory apple chutneys or cooked apples with squash make great fall or winter treats.


Look for apples that are firm, not wrinkled, and without holes or deep cuts. A few bruises here and there are perfectly fine if you’re baking or eating the fruit immediately.


Apples store well in the refrigerator and can last several months. You can also can apple butter, chutney, and jam or freeze apples. Peel apples, core, and place in a freezer safe container. Use within three months.


Apples come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. My favorites are Honey Crisp and Jonagold.


I most look forward to apples when fall rolls around. There is no better way to celebrate fall than a trip to the local apple orchard, eating apple doughnuts, and drinking warm apple cider. Of course, cooking and baking with apples also rank high on the list. Apples pair perfectly with winter squash and spicy curries by adding a hint of sweetness without adding the extra sugar!

There are so many different varieties to try- some that are sweet, some that are tart, all of which are worth trying at least once!